The British Betrayal of the Assyrians


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The British Betrayal of the Assyrians is a comprehensive and detailed statement of the Assyrian point of view of the events leading up to the massacre of Assyrians in the newly independent country of Iraq in August 1933. The principal part of the work was written by a Chaldean Assyrian of Mosul by the name of Yusuf Malek immediately following the massacre. Other contributors include David B. Perley and the Assyrian National League of America. The Assyrians suffered large losses from massacre and war as a result of their involvement with the British and their allies during World War I. Their hopes for the establishment of a safe and autonomous or independent homeland in some part of the territories of the former Ottoman Empire were continuously frustrated and finally doomed by the end of the British mandate over Iraq in 1932. The Assyrian position, documented in this book, clearly and eloquently lays the blame for the massacre of August 1933 and the failure to secure Assyrian national rights on the British.

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Product details

Publisher: ATOUR Publications
By: Yusuf Malek 

Interior Color: Black & White
Binding: Paperback
Trim Size: 6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm
Page Count: 448
Language: English

Shipped from the Netherlands.


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